Ros …what a find! I’ve just stumbled upon your post and think it’s the kind of thing I am looking for here on Substack…plus your generous sharing of your other posts. Thank you so much…it helps hesitant Substackers like me to emerge into the light …
I had to read this again, oh my days, I love this lady for a variety of reasons! Ros this article is although serious but a lot of fun to read. I'm so pleased you have bigged up yourself in this article because although you are confident in a lot of ways and I say this kindly, you sometimes humbly gloss over your skills and talents, I notice this sometimes when I've attended your fabulous poetry workshops. You deserve to be celebrated and praised. I also really like the stricter tone you write with in your article. Boundaries!
Haha, thanks, Kate! I really enjoyed writing the bio. It’s the first time I have found a way to wrap up all the strands of my life into something that makes sense.
I love your energy Ros, what a wide ride you have had on this planet! I look forward to journeying with you this year. Xo
Thanks so much Gillian! (two months late replying, what can I say, I was sorta on holiday and my notifications piled up).
Ros …what a find! I’ve just stumbled upon your post and think it’s the kind of thing I am looking for here on Substack…plus your generous sharing of your other posts. Thank you so much…it helps hesitant Substackers like me to emerge into the light …
Thanks - why am I crying??!!
That's wonderful, Win. Emerge away!
Row, as always, you had me giggling out loud. I’m here for the journey
Thanks, Julie!
I had to read this again, oh my days, I love this lady for a variety of reasons! Ros this article is although serious but a lot of fun to read. I'm so pleased you have bigged up yourself in this article because although you are confident in a lot of ways and I say this kindly, you sometimes humbly gloss over your skills and talents, I notice this sometimes when I've attended your fabulous poetry workshops. You deserve to be celebrated and praised. I also really like the stricter tone you write with in your article. Boundaries!
Boundaries, indeed, Rebecca! So important to put them in place so that one's precious writing time isn't eroded.
I agree Ros! You are right about the importance and the reasons why these need to be put in place.
Loved this bio so much. Looking forward to reading my way through your work and committing to making space to do this winter.
Haha, thanks, Kate! I really enjoyed writing the bio. It’s the first time I have found a way to wrap up all the strands of my life into something that makes sense.
Fantastic! That story about the opera and your novel — WOW. Love the names you chose for them. 😂
Haha, thanks Julie!
Let’s go!