Secret Diary Club: Unexpected events
Unexpected penises, a disturbing memory surfaces, and a hairdresser's dramatic life story
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Welcome to the Secret Diary Club!
This week’s three behind-the-scenes entries include accidentally taking my daughter to a comedy show with, shall we say, unexpected elements. How being on the sharp end of someone’s Facebook-induced paranoia unearthed a buried trauma. And the genuinely tragic life story behind an infuriating five-hour haircut.
Remember: what’s revealed in Secret Diary Club stays in Secret Diary Club. No sharing!
Now grab a coffee, a herbal tea, or a proper British cuppa, and have a nose!
Monday May 27th
Context: Brighton Fringe Festival used to be a big part of my life (because Paul, my husband, used to run a lot of live literature events for the duration) and I’m a fan, too, of comedy. This year I had a lot on, so I picked a single show to see with my 20-year-old daughter. I didn’t know quite what to expect from the blurb… but not this!